
  • Project Leader
    Naoko Fukayama
    Ph.D. (Social Anthropology)
    Associate Professor, Department of Social Anthropology, Tokyo Metropolitan University

    in charge of a social anthropology-based approach
  • Project Member
    Satoshi Tanahashi
    Ph.D. (Social Anthropology)
    Professor, Division of Human Science, Faculty of Core Research, Ochanomizu University

    in charge of a historical anthropology-based approach
  • Project Member
    Toru Yamaguchi
    Ph.D. in Anthropology
    Professor, Faculty of Letters Department of Humanities and Social Science (History), Keio University

    in charge of an archeological approach
  • Project Member
    Hiroya Yamano
    Doctor of Science
    Senior Principal Researcher, Biodiversity Division, National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan

    in charge of a geographical approach