
Previous Researches

  The reseach members have received the Ministry of the Environment's Grant-in-Aid for the Promotion of Global Environment "Research on Adaptation to Geomorphological Changes and Water Resource Changes in Small Island Nations on Atolls" (2008-10), the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research and New Scientific Research "Coral Reef Studies: Future Strategy for Symbiosis between Human and Ecosystems under Complex Stress" ( (2008-13), Sumitomo Foundation "Research on Island Resilience of Oceania Atoll Society in the Vortex of Weather-related Disasters" (2016-18), 

 JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Geoarchaeology of Taro Cultivated Landscape and Weather-related Disasters Supporting Oceania Atoll Society" (2017-21), and so on. We all have experience in the joint research in Pukapuka atoll and are acquainted with residents and natives of the atoll.

    We have communicated with the National Cook Island Research Committee, the Island Council and the Traditional Authorities Council of Pukapuka Atoll as appropriate, regarding permission to conduct research for this study.